data:blog.languageDirection' xmlns='' xmlns:b='' xmlns:data='' xmlns:expr=''> 5 Easy Ways you Can Save Money on Gas ~ Financial Fruits

Saturday, December 14, 2013

5 Easy Ways you Can Save Money on Gas

Heard about the latest gizmos to improve your gas mileage?
Well… studies show they don’t deliver as promised… and some can even damage your car’s engine.
The latest gas saving gizmos don't deliver as promised, and may lead to you  spending more than  you save. But there are easy steps you can take to increase your gas mileage and stretch your gas dollars.
Here are five easy ways you CAN save money when it comes to your car:

1. Clean out your trunk. Don’t carry what you don’t need.
2.  Slow down. Every five miles per hour over 60 costs you a quarter extra for a gallon of gas.
3.  Go online to find the least expensive gas stations in your area
4.  Turn off your engine if you’re parked and waiting.
5.  Keep your tires inflated to the recommended level to get better gas mileage.
So, always check out offers that promise to lower your gas millage before spending your hard earn money.
Do you have any great tips for saving money on gas?

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